Please list your organization's website and any social media platforms.
Section #2: Organization Information
Name(s) and mailing addresses (if different from org. address) of the Organization’s Officers and Board of Directors:
Section #3: Grant Information
Provide a basic budget for the project/program: (For projects, provide budget information for the term of the project; for on-going programs, provide budget information for the current fiscal year.)
Amount expended directly on participants
Capital infrastructure expenditures
Total anticipated expenditures
Other public contributors
Total anticipated revenues
Please submit the following documents via email to or mail to PO Box 42201 Urbandale, Iowa 50322:
*Page one of the most recent Form 990, 990N or 990F2
*A balance sheet listing the value of all current assets and liabilities as of the most recent month-end or quarter-end preceding the date of this application.
*Other information/documents may be sent as needed.
If you are awarded a grant you will be expected to provide a follow-up report to Endow Urbandale upon completion of the project/program.